Rochers aux Voleurs (Sensitive biological reserve)    

Coquibus is a particular and very sensitive part of the forest which must be treated with the greatest respect by visitors. Its status as a biological reserve allows you to climb there but this could one day be called into question due to too many visitors or irresponsible behavior. We ask climbers to limit their presence or otherwise their impact in the different areas of Coquibus as much as possible. In particular, do not go in groups, do not climb after sunset and do not use electrical devices (drones, fans, radios, etc.). Reduce chalk to the strict minimum, erase all traces of your passage and finally do not brush new boulders. Avoid leaving the paths and keep your dog on a leash from April to July.

Please read our ethics page.


La Dalle à Coup d'Aire 8a Camille coudert prow, sitstart


L'Amour et la Violence 7c+ Olivier Lebreton slightly overhanging, sitstart


L'Escamoteur (assis) 7c Olivier Lebreton slightly overhanging, arete, sitstart


Ali Baba 7b 7a+ GJou prow
L'Escamoteur 7b David Evrard slightly overhanging, arete
La Cour des Miracles 7b roof, sitstart
Matéo 7b GJou slightly overhanging, arete, sitstart
Obépine Kénobi 7b David Evrard, Grégoire Thibault arete, crimps, sitstart


Bobo Ashanti 7a+ 7b Fred traverse fltr, slopers, sitstart
La Main dans le Bac 7a+ 7b GJou prow, sitstart


Bobo Ashanti (raccourci) 7a Laurent Darlot traverse fltr, slopers, mantle
La Boîte à Mystères 7a 6c+ Carina, Fred, Gars Des Bois traverse frtl, slopers, sitstart
La Conspirationniste 7a 7a+ Gars Des Bois traverse frtl, slopers, sitstart
La Rampe Perdue 7a 7a+ Gars Des Bois traverse frtl, slopers
La Traversée de l'Arête des Voleurs 7a traverse fltr, arete
Les Voleurs (assis) 7a David Evrard slightly overhanging, sitstart


L'Arête des Voleurs (assis) 6c+ arete, sitstart
La Complotiste 6c+ 7a Gars Des Bois traverse fltr, slopers, sitstart


Flèche Blanche (assis) 6c 7a David Evrard slightly overhanging, sitstart
L'Épineux 6c David Evrard crack, crimps, sitstart
Le Comploteur 6c C. Larprise, Fred slightly overhanging, crimps, sitstart
Les Voleurs 6c David Evrard slightly overhanging


La Concave 6b wall, crimps



L'Aigrefin 5+ Gars Des Bois, C. Larprise, Fred wall
L'Aigrefine 5+ Gars Des Bois arete


Flèche Blanche 3+ 4- mantle